Saturday, July 21, 2007

Newest Ventures

Well, we're at it again. The desire to move forward in areas that we desire to grow in (and let's be honest, we've got plenty of room to grow!) has led us to a couple of new ventures. One is Squidoo and the other is a 30-day challenge.

Squidoo has one of its newest landing pages with this one . It is one small step for internet use, one giant leap for Bower-kind. Take a visit, buy stuff you see listed, enjoy. That's the routine.

We also have joined these guys in an interesting challenge for the month of August. It appears that we are teamed with individuals from Brooklyn, NY, the United Kingdom, and others to work together to find the key(s) to internet marketing and success. We'll have to let you know how things are going as we progress through the month.

"Why are you doing this?", you ask. It is all for the purpose of glorifying God through creating family entrepreneurial ideas and pursuing them. Goals include bringing me home to work full-time, sharing new-found insights with others to do the same, and to actually make a little money as we learn along the way. Just tonight, my daughter Priscilla poignantly expressed her deep desire for me to be home more often with the family. I can't wait to use these and other ideas to see that prayer answered!
