Thursday, March 5, 2009

Facebook groups

Yes, I am / we are Facebookers. Join us if you'd like (we're under 'Bower Family' in the Charlotte, NC network). One of the funny things about FB that I've seen is the groups that are available for one to join.

Every time we get a new friend, I like to check out their profile for a few keys things. I marvel sometimes at the number of groups I have seen and how specific they are to a certain 'tribe' (sorry for the marketing-speak there). It seems as though any idea one has in their mind can be translated into an invitation to join with others who think/believe similarly. There's everything from 'So-and-so for President' to 'I remember the phrase such-and-such from some previous decade/era'.

When we get these requests, we generally ignore them. We've joined a few, but I mostly just don't want to either spend the time researching what the group really is and who is in it or I simply don't want to associate with it. But I was thinking about what groups I might form if I was so inclined. With that in mind, following are a few groups I would create if I had the desire to. I'd be interested to know which one(s) you would join. Let me know.

1. I think carrot juice is among the healthiest nutrients one can put in their body.
2. I place the receipt totals from my organic carrot purchases under 'medical expenses' in my family budget (see #1)
3. The older I get, the more I appreciate the truth and simplicity of a well-written children's song
4. I like sports as much as the next guy, but I am significantly opposed to any type of public funding for arenas/stadiums.
5. I use to brag about being 'hearty' during the winter months when I lived in the north, but I do not miss the cold temps.
6. I save storage cost/space by keeping unused furniture in my office at work
7. I would like to have the job where you get to come up with names for the new colors that they make.
8. I could not carry a tune if my life depended on it.
9. I think everybody should watch the following video and really think it through: check it out
10. I remember well the meaning of these four words: Kirby Puckett, Game Six
11. I have pulled an 'all-nighter' in my post-student days
12. I think it's easier to type 'How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?' than it is to say it.
13. I have never read Tolstoy's 'War and Peace' and do not intend to ever do so.
14. I wish people would properly use the phrase 'couldn't care less' instead of 'could care less'.
15. I bet you would click on this link just to see if there really is a group by this title.

Who's with me?