Saturday, January 24, 2009

There, I Did It!

I finally posted again.

Random thoughts that I've had lately:

1. Forty-some years ago, our nation was struggling with civil rights issues. Deep-rooted sin was in the process of being exposed and small steps of progress were experienced. We have now elected our first African American president as a nation. What a moving thought and reality! I can't help but think what the next half century or so might bring. What part of our society is currently marginalized to some degree, only to see tremendous change in the coming decades? May I offer a thought/dream/suggestion? Before I do, please keep in mind that I am in no way comparing the civil rights movement and the experience of black individuals in this country to the group of people that I am about to note. There is indeed no comparison. I simply wonder about the 'who-would-have-seen-this?' surprise if...we elect a home-schooled president (another one, was quite common for most of human, as well as early American, history).

2. Sarah is quite concerned as I type this. I am eating popcorn and blogging at the computer at the same time. Using great caution...

3. I recently perused the items that we have in the downstairs bookshelves. Have I got a lot of reading to do! We placed many books in storage for our anticipated year at the townhouse. I remember going through our library carefully and only keeping certain books on the 'active' list that I planned on reading during our time here. Needless to say, I am way behind. I think the discovery of the $1 hardcover books at Value Village had something to do with that. My 'to-read' list has grown instead, even though I am reading consistently. I plan on reading some to/with the family so that will help. And I decided to start a 'family missions conference' each fall which will include reading a couple more. Progress...slow, but progress nonetheless.

4. Dottie (our dog) is looking at me like she is really hoping I drop a piece or two of this popcorn. Sorry, like I said...using great caution.

5. Feedback time!! I hope to soon post about a thought that I had after seeing a marquee at a local church. But in the meantime I'd like to ask you, my devoted-or-maybe-not-so-much readership...if you had a marquee right now to display your general thoughts on life, what would it say? Maybe mine would say something like "ONLY ___ SHOPPING DAYS LEFT UNTIL LARRY'S BIRTHDAY". Then again, maybe not.

6. Upon returning from our recent trip to MN/WI over the holidays, I was pleased to see the expenditures come in slightly below the anticipated level. I believe there are two reasons for this that stand out amongst others. One, the gas prices went down at just the right time. Thank you, Lord! I think we paid as little as $1.32/gallon though my memory may be a bit foggy on that and I'm not taking the time to look through the receipt files just now. Secondly, we got sick. You do the math. five people (William doesn't count for food expenses...yet) plus the 36-hour flu equals significant savings. Indeed, a silver lining to that dark cloud!

7. For those of you waiting for our annual Christmas web site, well, we're just not sure. We knew with our trip that it would be a bit late. But unless we get motivated for a 'Valentine's Day' or 'St. Patrick's Day' web site, it just may not happen. I guess Facebook may have to settle for an alternative. Stay tuned.

Larry out.